Andrew Anderson, Maggie’s Centre, Edinburgh
Kat has been a tremendous resource for Maggie’s. Her restorative yoga is so well suited to supporting people recovering from cancer treatment. She has been so generous with her time, expertise and enthusiasm.”
Guido, March 2023
I have always enjoyed working out and sports but never thought that yoga would be for me even though I knew it had many benefits. I was persuaded to try it out and decided that it would be best to get some one-to-one instruction. Kat came highly recommended to me, she is a warm enthusiastic instructor who knows how to personalise the class and make it unique to you. It really is worthwhile having private lessons. Yoga has been great for my flexibility, strength and truly very enjoyable. However, what is important to me is that I find it challenging and quite physical and that I feel that I have had a proper work out after a class. If you are thinking about trying out yoga for the first time or if you want to improve your practise, I can recommend Kat wholeheartedly.
Alison, April 2024
I’ve been attending Kat’s office yoga sessions for over a year and am thoroughly enjoying them! Kat knows exactly which areas to focus on for office workers with tight muscles and I leave each session feeling relaxed and refreshed for the rest of the work day. Being able to switch off from work and be completely in the moment has been really beneficial. Kat is a very approachable, knowledgeable and friendly teacher who tailors the sessions to our needs. I would highly recommend Kat’s classes!!
Natasa, January 2023
Kat is the sweetest Yoga teacher ever . She is super funny, kind and amazing!!! She is super knowledgable on what she does . I always enjoy her classes as she has combination ones for different levels. At her classes she explains everything so well that i feel comfortable doing certain moves , but also she always shares her wisdom and gives advice during her classes . I really enjoy doing yoga with Kat.
Rebecca, June 2022
I have been having one on one lessons with Kat for a few months and she is fabulous. I am very stiff (still am!) and self-conscious about that, but she puts me at my ease, is very patient and also great fun. She really cares - there is something spiritual about her too - I always feel uplifted after our sessions.
Sophie, June 2020
The weekly yoga sessions with Kat have saved me and consequently my family, from going mad in this strange lockdown setting. The sessions been very important for my body to stay stretched and strong and for my mind to slow down and relax. Kat is completely without ego which makes the sessions welcoming for all, even my cheeky children who sometimes pop-in to try downward dog!
Sharon, May 2020
Sharing Kat’s lovely yoga class with my daughter was a real highlight of the week during lockdown. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say it probably helped us to get on better as mum and daughter. Kat is really good at giving adaptations and ways to extend the poses and that meant we were both able to work at our own level. Thank you so much, Kat
Gordon, November 2020
Kat has helped me far beyond what I was looking for when I started taking yoga classes with her. What began as an aid to mentally help after some terrible health news, has grown into a social, community get together, with the added bonus of an improvement to my physical health as well. However, I put this down mostly to Kat herself. She was so welcoming, friendly and relaxed, I didn’t have time to get shy in that first class. Oh, and funny! I forgot to say she’s funny!
This disarmed me, and meant I didn’t have to worry (as much!) about falling over for the third time. And I’d want to go back to the next class, and the next class...Kat is genuine in wanting to help you learn. That is clear to see from the start. I would highly recommend having some classes here. -
Hannah, June 2020
I did yoga with Kat for a few years in Edinburgh and was really sad when I moved away and wasn't able to keep attending, so a big positive outcome from Coronavirus for me has been being able to come back to Kat's classes via Zoom. I can honestly say that the classes are a highlight of the week for me. Kat is by far the best yoga teacher I have had and it's been impossible to replace her after I moved away! She makes the classes accessible and light hearted - you feel supported and encouraged to try your best, and it's such a positive atmosphere. Yoga with Kat has played a big role in my recovery from M.E. and she always offers options and adaptations for each pose so that you feel comfortable. Doing yoga online is great for me as you don't need to leave the house so it's easier to attend and it's been great being part of a community and giving the week some structure during lockdown. In these challenging times, it's really nice to take time out to just focus on your body and breath. Thank you Kat!
Yuanbuo, October 2021
I suffered a very sever Traumatic Brain Injury (1988). Because the main injuries left my right side of my body paralysed, spastic initially. I am happy now having found Kat for my Yoga. Her teaching accepts my difficulties (blind for lower field of vision as well as blind for my right field of vision) and spasticity on my RHS of my body. She got me to try stretches and poses, where I learned to use my body as a whole! She worked well to help me overcome my involuntary spastic contractions! Essentially, Kat has a good way of helping, finding out what is needed and wanted, and supplies that slowly, working from easier poses extending to harder poses gently !Her teaching has made me fit and able to overcome my physical disabilities!
Anastasia, May 2020
Doing pregnancy yoga with Kat was the best thing I did for myself during my pregnancy. I attended her classes for 15 weeks and I was always looking forward for it every week! Kat is a fantastic teacher and person, knowledgeable and adjusts her classes to the needs of the group. Even her tone of voice can fill you with peace and calmness. Thank you, Kat
Debbi, September 2021
As a first-time mum-to-be Kat has not only provided me with safe, positive and soothing yoga movements but has also taught me so much I didn't know about pregnancy and birth. She teaches with professionalism, empathy and warmth - and with some fun in there too! I look forward to her class every week and always feel so connected to my body and my baby after each session - and that's over Zoom! I am very grateful to Kat for her reassurance, support and help with my physical and mental wellbeing. If you are considering pregnancy yoga, don't delay - sign up and you won't regret it!
Julie, May 2020
When I heard we were heading into lockdown I knew there was a good chance it would lead to my exercise routine being abandoned. When Kat offered me online one to one sessions I jumped at the chance. I hoped that this would help keep me motivated to exercise as well as looking after my mind & soul. I have not been disappointed. Kat’s online classes are great as it is one to one it is tailored to me and my needs and she is able to advise and guide me throughout the class as she does in the studio. Its impossible not to feel good afterwards – thanks Kat online sessions have been fantastic a real lifesaver during lockdown.
Linda, June 2024
I’ve been doing office yoga with Kat for about 18 months and it has been genuinely life-changing. Obviously, I’ve “improved” in yoga terms over this time, but at no point have I ever felt as though I was doing anything badly. The group is very mixed, there are some very experienced people and people who have never done yoga before – and, importantly, we all have different bodies. One of Kat’s skills is the ability to give us all an option that is achievable (but challenging), but without making those of us who are less flexible feel in any way less worthy. From a personal point of view, my journey has evolved like this: at the very first session, during Savasana (you lie on the floor chilling out for five minutes), my mind was actually blank, there was nothing there, no random thoughts; as the mother of teenagers, this is an experience I have not had for *quite some time*. So from that point on, I’ve been hooked. When I started doing yoga, I was also four stone (25kg) heavier than I am now and at no point did that ever matter. I did what I could then, I do what I can do now – and Kat has been the same supportive presence throughout. Honestly, do yoga (with Kat specifically), it cannot fail to have a positive impact.
Adam, April 2014
I have been practising Vinyasa flow with Kat for a year now, in addition to my usual triathlon/marathon training. In that time Vinyasa flow has made a massive impact on all aspects of my training and performance. My breathing during swimming has improved, my running form greatly improved as well as body position for swimming. No lower back pain during long bike rides. 2013 was my best year for competition by far, personal bests in half-marathon and marathon distances, and more importantly, COMPLETELY INJURY FREE! Yoga has also taught me the importance of proper rest and relaxation, which is an essential part of my endurance sport training program.
Sandy, June 2018
Thank you for helping me through my pregnancy, avoiding another bout of PGP, answering my panicked call (out of hours) then coming around to the house to instruct me through a session of Restorative Yoga right before my c-section. You gave me the tools to regain control over a situation that terrified me and for that alone I will always be grateful. I am enjoying our postnatal sessions with lots of positive encouragement and meaningful adjustments and seeing a lot of progress in my practice.
Tamara, March 2017
I started doing Kat’s Vinyasa flow class just after I had my son. I only started yoga during pregnancy and loved it, so was keen to start developing and practicing regularly. Kat’s class is really enjoyable. She’s so aware of everyone and their individual needs, so she can push you a little without making you feel uncomfortable and giving you a great sense of achievement afterwards. I noticed a real difference in my strength and fitness - which has been a real asset since my son is now a toddler! I’d recommend her any day.
Mairi, February 2019
Although I have been doing yoga on and off for years I first met Kat during my third pregnancy and her classes were the highlight of my week. I now attend on a drop in basis her weekly Wednesday evening classes and her monthly Restorative Yoga workshop. Occasionally I also have a private session with her in my home. Kat is not only an intuitive and fun yogi she also has a certain calm focus, an aura that makes you trust yourself more in your own practice. Highly recommended.
Gail, June 2020
I am sure like many people I was apprehensive about how an online yoga class would work, especially as Kat's in person classes are such a wonderful experience. But from the first class in the very early stages of lockdown it has been amazing! There is still a sense of community and attentiveness and in a crazy world of change and upheaval my 7.30 class has been an anchor. Kat hasn't changed her style so we still get challenged and are encouraged to be playful! She has been inventive with props and suggestions for adaptations to suit everyone. It's really inspired me to practice more and I have done yoga nearly everyday through lockdown. I would highly recommend Kat as a Zoom yoga teacher; she leads a friendly, accessible and fun class!
Ana, September 2016
It was a fantastic Restorative yoga workshop! My day was not good and I arrived feeling quite tense. However, little by little the tension was released and I started to relax. I feel that this was due not only to the session itself, but also to the lovely and professional Kat - she makes you feel right at home. I’ll be coming back!